Many people have difficulty getting on and off of the toilet, because the toilet seat is so low. Through the American's With Disabilities Act (ADA), more modern toilets are being manufactured to be taller. However, many people still have short or low toilets, which can be uncomfortable, difficult or even impossible to transfer to and from. We offer several different solutions that allow physically challenged users to sit higher on the commode. We have seat risers that elevate the toilet seat several inches. We also have an ADA Toilet Platform that allows you to raise the entire commode several inches. Tall, large, obese, frail - suffering from osteoporosis, injuries, arthritis, or just the aches and pain of life? Our ADA Tall Toilet options can make it easier for you, in the bathroom! If you need help selecting a product, or would like a free catalog, please don't hesitate to contact us.